7 events matched your search
Roll & Stroll at Rockwood
Sunday, November 17, 2024 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Celebrate National Hiking Day with us and explore one of our favorite areas of the Preserve! The route will take us out-and-back along the Lower Trail at Rockwood Hall, with sweeping views of the Hudson River and scenic bridges passing over woodland streams. We'll traverse a total of 2.15 miles on relatively level terrain. Trails are 12-16 feet wide and surfaced with fine hard-packed gravel. Adaptive hiking equipment - two Mountain Trike chairs, the
eTrike and
ePush, as well as an
Oasis Pneumatic walker - may be reserved in advance, free of charge. For those bringing your own devices, standard wheelchairs will work as well, but hard rubber tires can lead to a bumpier ride. All-terrain devices or chairs with bicycle-type wheels are recommended. (Bicycles are not permitted.)Cost: FREE, registration required.
Registration: Required
History of Rockwood Hall
Saturday, November 23, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Join Rockwood docent, David Teich, on an adventure into the past as we explore the remains of Rockwood Hall and its rich history dating back to prehistoric times. Former estate of William A. Rockefeller Jr., this site boasts scenic views overlooking the Hudson, lush forests, and remnants of 19th century luxuries. The hike is about 2 miles roundtrip; leashed dogs are welcome. Max: 40 people. Cost: $4.
Registration: Required